Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fantastic Weekend

I'll always be amazed at how much I can be anxious for a long weekend....and how quickly they always fly by. 96 hours to get caught up on everything; spend time with Alyssa, play games, read, sleep, workout, wax the truck. Somehow, most of that stuff didn't get done and I feel no guilt...instead, I feel sunburned, full, and refreshed. We helped plant the Pruitt garden, ate more grilled food in 4 days than I've eaten this year combined, played some serious Wow, enjoyed some time with the new kittens, hung out with the Grojean clan, (Michael and I finished the final bookcase for a job we started well over a year ago...and the couple who commissioned it was as excited as we were to be done. Nice to finally check that one off the list - though they want us to build they're basement bar for them and that project could very well occupy the next year or so!), an watched a ton of Lost (in a desperate attempt to get caught up). Needless to say, I was NOT ready for this week to start and for all the phone calls and emails that were waiting for me.

On a similar and slightly related note, I have applied for a new job and will hopefully hear something within the next week or so. It's local and in the same field I currently work in - just a different office, chain of command, and set of roles and responsibilities. I'm anxious at the thought of a change of scenery. We'll see what God has in store and run with it when it happens. Please add this to your own prayer lists as well.

Thanks for reading.