Monday, November 21, 2011

Double Fatty Melt

I feel compelled to tell everyone about an experience I had last week that changed a fundamental view on eating that I've held for a long time; portion size is based on how hungry you are at the time you sit down to eat.

After my coworker Jeannine mentioned the restaurant Crave Burger and some of their burger creations, I knew I had to give it a try. I continually drooled over their pictures and set my mind on the Fatty Melt. We finally found some time to make the trip. I'd psyched myself into a frenzy knowing what was to come.

The place was pretty hoppin' for a weekday afternoon, so my expectations grew even higher - the assumption being that all these people liked the food and service.

******SPOILER ALERT******* (Continuing to read may spoil your appetite....)

When our waiter appeared at the table to take our order, I asked if they could make a double Fatty instead of the regular. He looked a bit confused and had to go ask the chef if he could do it. If you haven't been to the link and looked at the goodness, here's the description of my lunch (and conveniently it acted as my dinner, even without a to-go container....):

Grilled Cheese sandwich (acting as a bun....), 1/3lb burger, 2 strips of bacon, tomato, pickle, grilled cheese sandwich (helping hold it together), ANOTHER 1/3lb burger, 2 MORE strips of bacon, More tomato, more pickles, and ANOTHER grilled cheese sandwich to cap it off.

Now that you're either really hungry or disgusted beyond belief, I'll tell you that I ate the entire thing. I also ate most of my sweet potato french fries and had a pair of Fat Tires to wash it all down ;) I don't have any idea how many calories were involved, but my guess is LOTS!!! It was delicious in every way. I hacked it apart with a fork and knife because taking a bite of the thing was out of the question (please keep your "mouth size" comments to yourself ;) ) I was more full than I've been in a very, very long time. I told myself that it was preparation for Thanksgiving and in a very secretive way, I hope that Alyssa makes leftover turkey sandwiches.....with grilled cheese sandwich buns....

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